The Regional Development Fund of Crete and the Energy Centre of the Region of Crete, in collaboration with an external consultant, continued the process of implementing theLiving Labs at the Gymnasium and the Lyceum of Agios Myronas on 17/03/2023, with presentations to the students/teachers of the Gymnasium and the students/teachers of the Lyceum.
The presentations are a continuation and specialization of the first cycle of presentations and concern the detailed presentation of the project of energy upgrade and renovation of the school building complex (thermal insulation, double glazing, boiler change, metering system, etc.) as well as the project of sustainable mobility (electric charger, photovoltaic panels and electric bus).There were also references to the correct energy behavior associated with the above projects.
These presentations are essential to engage students, teachers and parents as well as professionals in the area with their involvement in the energy upgrade of the school building and electromobility installations.
The meeting and presentation is part of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Living Labs that resulted from previous workshops of RDFC-EC with teachers and principals both in school buildings and in the offices of RDFC.
The introduction was made by Mr. Nikos Zographakis Director of RDFC-EC while the presentations were made by Mr. Georgios Stavrakakis Director of MES Energy and contractor of the project. About 250 students and many teachers participated.At the end there was a dialogue and a small buffet was offered for all.