Expected results

The results of the program can be summarized as follows:

  • Improving school infrastructure by adding the “green character” to the operation of school units (eg supply of products / services for energy upgrading), thus enhancing the sense of ecological awareness.
  • Remote monitoring of the energy efficiency of buildings, enhancing their “intelligence”.
  • Enhancing sustainable mobility through the creation of charging stations for electric vehicles and bicycles.
  • Highlight these buildings as role models for more infrastructure.
  • Extend the implementation of the project to more buildings in these areas in order to upgrade more energy public buildings.
  • Exchange of know-how in studies related to the energy design of buildings (including RES issues) through the energy upgrade of existing infrastructure.
  • Dissemination of knowledge to the citizens through the writing of a manual that will include the results of the energy upgrades of the buildings.
  • Raising public awareness through their education in ecological / environmental issues.