Interreg VA Greece – Cyprus Program “2014-2020

Greece and Cyprus are two countries with a closely linked historical and cultural past. Thanks to the program Interreg VA Greece – Cyprus “2014-2020” these countries consolidate their common course by dynamically promoting a sustainable and more profitable for future generations tomorrow. Thus, they hope to set a remarkable example for other neighboring countries, in order to strengthen group actions and exchanges of views for a pan-European and harmonious development in all areas. That is why the European Union together with Greece and Cyprus provide € 64,560,486.00, so that the vision for a coherent and well-structured sustainable policy becomes a reality. The ultimate goal is the collaborative improvement of the daily life of the citizens, overcoming the challenges and obstacles that hinder this project.

The Cooperation Program (WP) Interreg VA “Greece – Cyprus 2014-2020” (CCI Code 2014TC16RFCB055) was approved by the European Commission on 27.07.2015 with Executive Decision C (2015) 5319. It has a total budget of € 64,560,486, of which € 54,876,411.00 ERDF

The Cooperation Program aims to:

  1. increase the competitiveness of the eligible area by supporting entrepreneurship and the use of information and communication technologies.
  2. covering areas such as energy, climate change and transport, by promoting an economy with low carbon emissions
  3. disaster prevention, the promotion of natural and cultural heritage and technologies for the protection of natural resources.
  4. Financial priorities

The program focuses on the following three priorities:

  1. Enhancing competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border area.
  2. Efficient use of energy and sustainable transport.
  3. Preservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention.


With Special Objectives (S.O.) for each of them, which are the following:

Priority Axis 1: Enhancing competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border area

S.O. 1.1 – Increasing the use of ICT in areas of common interest (in the areas of e-government, e-business, e-culture and tourism)

S.O. 1.2 – Enhancing the extroversion of SMEs


Priority Axis 2: Energy efficiency and sustainable transport

S.O. 2.1 – Increase energy savings in public buildings

S.O. 2.2 – Reducing the environmental footprint from public transport in urban areas with significant gaseous pollution.

S.O. Enhance interoperability and safety in maritime transport


Priority Axis 3: Preservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention

S.O. 3.1 – Improving joint risk management of natural, technological and humanitarian disasters

S.O. 3.2 – Improving the attractiveness of areas of natural and cultural interest

S.O. 3.3 – Improving Marine Spatial Planning and Coastal Zone Management

S.O. 3.4 – Improving the efficiency of the use of waste and water resources


Priority Axis 4: Program Technical Assistance


Main information of the C-IZEBs project

Project Title: Cooperative Intelligent education & electromobility Zero Energy Buildings Acronym: C-IZEBs
Funding: Interreg VA Greece – Cyprus “2014-2020”
Participating countries: Greece, Cyprus